Monday, September 16, 2013

Relocating my happiness@

OMG!... I'm about to move my son and I, 800 miles away! What the hell am I thinking?

I wanted this. I applied for the job, flew there for the interview, I did mock interviews, presentations, I campaigned for the job and I won!
Most importantly, I had faith and I prayed! I asked God to let his will be done and now I'm moving.

I'm feeling overwhelmed and burdened, but not joy and happiness, why not?

This is my chance to reinvent myself, be and live the life I'm destined to live. Only positive things will happen, are happening. My finances increased and will only get better, this is my chance to get out of my rut! I've been depressed for 14 years, I want to be happy, damnit, I deserve it!